Wednesday, December 3, 2008

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2008

International Day of Disabled Persons (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992. It has been celebrated with varying degrees of success around the planet. Typically, the Day's activities are mounted by unpaid volunteers.

Science Fair Project Information
Title: Improving Binocular Vision in Stereopsis Impairment Using Optical Devices
Subject: Medicine
Grade level: High School - Grades 10-12
Academic Level: Advanced
Project Type: Building Type
Cost: Medium
1st place, Canada Wide Virtual Science Fair (2007)
Calgary Youth Science Fair Gold Medal (2007)
Affiliation: Canada Wide Virtual Science Fair (VSF)
Year: 2007
Description: This project proposes a non-surgical solution for improving binocular vision impairment and preventing further deterioration. An optical device was designed using double Porro-prism optical binoculars converging into an objective lens, a configuration promoting binocular image fusion without changing the occipital cortex. Thus, binocular vision is improved by reducing deviation points, assisting the brain in perceiving an improved fused image with greater visual acuity. This increases depth perception and three-dimensional viewing ability, with applications in long term vision therapy.

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